The Cowell Smokestack had an auspicious beginning over 73 years ago. It all began as a lawsuit (believe it or not), to protect the area farmers' crops. The cement factory supported by the stack, The Cowell Portland Cement Company, was the largest in the world for a time. The cement produced was used in many of the buildings built in the bay area at the time including the Bay Bridge.
She stood tall for over 73 years but barely used for just 10 of those. Her real legacy came in the landmark status she gained over the years. People would know they were nearing home when they saw her. Pilots coming into Buchanan Airport in Concord used it as a marked when communicating with the tower there. And for Walnut Country (The Crossings), she was a source of pride and a place where people met and weddings were held (it's true!)
She is not gone, just 270 feet shorter. The Cowell Smokestack Demolition and Restoration Project has been a huge success. It was completed faster and for less money than anticipated. The result is a beautiful monument befitting her legacy where all can come and reminisce. Today, we celebrate the completion of the project and the rebirth of the Cowell Smokestack as a monument. I have been honored and humbled to be a part of it and here form so many of you how it was a part of your lives. Please join us today at 11:30 a.m. for the dedication and the fun.
Thanks for joining us for all of these weeks and keep your eyes posted here for more info in the future.
Mark Weinmann, Cowell Smokestack Project Manager, CHOA
I love it, I think it looks great.
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